Where Have I Been? Writing My First Book

Hello Beautiful 

I hope you are well?

I thought I would sit down today an write a good old fashion blog post like I always use to before Instagram was a thing!

I attended the Hay House Australia Writers Workshop over the Weekend in Sydney at the International Convention Centre (ICC) at Darling Harbour.

It was such an inspiring event and I loved attending it.

I was surrounded by 400+ like minded people who all had a passion for writing, books, publishing, Spirituality, Wellness, Health, Self Love, Happiness you name it!

I met so many interesting people from all walks of life, Spiritual Healers, Therapists, Doctors, Peace Keepers, Yoga Teachers, Children Book Writers – you name it.

Whilst attending I made some life long Hay House Australia Writers Workshop Friends and I have also become part of their on-line Hay House Australia Writers Workshop Community too.

Reid Tracy, President of Hay House Inc flew in from the States and was there for the whole two days which was really impressive as having come from a Corporate Background, I am so use of those at the top coming in for their speech and then p*ssing off! This instantly impressed me and made me realise that Hay House Inc was not your average Publishing House.

Reid Tracy shared Louise Hay publishing story and it was  great to hear, he openly talked about the Hay House Publishing Journey and how it all started from Humble beginnings and also how Louise Hay started out wanting to help others which is a reflection of Hay House to this very day.

He gave us the low down on all things Hay House but also the overall Publishing Industry and shared his words of wisdom on what was really needed should we be considering wanting to write a book, have it published and even make a career in such a industry.

I personally got to met Reid Tracy on my lunch break and while I could have talked to him for ages I am sure, I was very respectful that he had a line of others who wanted to meet him also! I made sure I got a photo with him because let’s face it, he run’s Louise Hay Company! and has now become some what of a Publishing Legend all by successfully running Hay House one of the World’s Largest Independent Publishing House.

I found Reid Tracy to be really down to earth and with over 400 people wanting to meet him personally off the stage it was so great that he took the time to talk to those who wanted to talk to him and he treated everyone equally.

I also got to meet Leon Nacson, Managing Director of Hay House Australia, he was one of the Kindest Spirits I’ve ever met! especially in the Media, Publishing Industry! 

He has such a Big Heart and Love for Helping Others too.  He has published a couple of books himself and can speak from his own personal experience.

He had love for all things Hay House Australia including his amazing team, along with their authors, readers, supporters and social media followers. He also had a love for all things Hay House or anything to do with publishing, authors, books, Deepak Chopra!

Throughout the workshop I learnt lots of tips, tricks, ideas and was given real life information, contacts, people who could help me.  I learn about how to write a book, a book proposal and all of this information I received could be used right across the whole publishing industry.

Hay House Authors referred to Hay House as a Family! and even from attending their two day writers workshop I could very much feel that, the positive energy and vibe was so feel good.

By attending the Hay House Australia Writers Workshop I have been inspired to continue to write, to be my true authentic self, to learn, and continually grow, to read more, support other authors, to work on my craft, to listen, to not put any deadlines on my publishing projects or unrealistic expectations, to never financially over stretch when self publishing.

To never try to force or outcome, to let the whole publishing process unfold, to never give up on your dream even after being rejected as every publishing house can only publish a certain amounts of books each year (which I now totally get) to always keep on trying, and when the timing is right if it was meant to be it will be.  Always have Faith in Yourself and The Universe.

Over the two days I listened to so many Key Note Guest Speakers, all Hay House Authors who shared what it was really like to become a published author and to get noticed.

All of the guest speakers had a common theme which was: nothing was smooth sailing, writing a book and getting it published isn’t easy, you don’t just publish a book and hand it over to the publisher and that’s it, once the book is published that’s when the real work starts with Guest Speaking Events, Book Signings and the list goes on and on and on! all of the now now published authors experienced their ups and down, WINS and Failures, Rejections. But despite everything they went through they still had a love and a burning desire to write and become a published author so that is what they become.

It was mentioned a number of times during the Workshop that if you want to be a writer, you need to write! and not just write every once if you want to write a book you have to set aside every day even one hour a day and write.

I was actually happy to hear this as that is exactly what I do and did when it came to writing my own book.

If you have always dreamed of writing a book but don’t know were to start then I totally recommend attending a Hay House Australia Writers Workshop or any of their Workshops!  It just helps to answer all of those questions you have always wanted to know!!

If you live in some remote place or unable to fly that’s ok becausethe good news is they have a Hay House On-Line Writers Workshop that comprising of 40 Hours, Videos and it’s Self Paced too and even though I attended the Hay House Australia Writers Workshop as a Writer wanting to write more books, I have so much to learn and I truly believe that we can never stop learning from others!

I found out so many tips and tricks by attending the Hay House Australia Writers workshop and even though I was actually attending after writing my very first book called: It Starts With Me – I felt that that it really didn’t matter because I learnt so much from attending and now that learning and development is going to put me in really good stead for my very first book launch, plus writing future book proposals for the top publishing houses! and when writing more books for more importantly my readers.

I’ve been really itching to tell you the launch date of my book and not being able to tell you the exact date, I am going to be completely honest it has been hard!! I use to be an event and project coordinator so for me not being able to see the final date was a lesson in itself that what will be will be, I need to go with the flow because this is Publishing! not on-line blogging!!!  As soon as I learn to self accept everything started to change for me and I really started to enjoy the publishing process!

So for the last year – I’ve been writing (behind the scenes) my very first book called: IT STARTS WITH ME by Yvette Le Blowitz {Feel Good Within and Become Your Happiest, Healthiest Self) including a easy to follow 21 Day Wellness Guide.

In: IT STARTS WITH ME – I personally share my own go-to wellness tips that I used to transform my own life and still use today and I open up about a lot of things and some of those things I have never shared in writing before even on my blog!! So there is definitely lots of brand new inspiring heartfelt content in this book!!!

I have also felt a burning desire to share more than just my blog posts! and I’ll be completely honest I have always wanted to write a book since being a kid! and then to become a professional guest speaker inspiring other people to feel good within and being the hope that if I could do it – they could do it too!! yes it may come as no surprise that I wanted to either have my own talk show! or be on the stage and talk, talk, talk! anyone that knows me well will get this!!!!

Writing a book, hasn’t been something I just dreamt over night, it is something that comes from within my heart and soul.

For anyone who is interested in writing a book, I am not going to tell you it’s easy!  it can be a sea of emotions that rise and fall, there will be days when you wake up and all you want to do is write and then other days when you might not feel as energetic and inspired – when you feel like this my number one tips is take a break and spend some time amongst mother nature, in the sun an return back to write when you feel up to it.

When it came to writing my own book: It Starts With Me – I already had a lot of things on my plate, I had just been named and awarded as one of Australia’s Top 50 Influencers in Melbourne and from that moment on my workload and all things Spa it Girl exploded and since I have had amazing contributors in the States visiting Spa’s and reviewing them and Wellness Hot Spots! Spa it Girl has been growing faster than I could at times even keep up with!

But before all this hype, I started writing my book so Hail, Rain or Shine I was going to continue to make time and finish what I had started!!! it was like a calling that came from deep inside me or from a Higher Place! each morning I woke up and wrote! at times my work load was well beyond even my own imagination!! but I made sure I continued my daily spiritual and self care practice of yoga, mediation, going for walks, eating well, and this really did help with writing my book, plus running spa it girl, work, life, family and everything else that I had on my very busy plate.

I could have waited perhaps years and years to wait for someone to say I love your book proposal can you write a book for us! However I have spent many years doing this so I decided to make it happen myself and become a #selfmade Author! and to do things off my own back without any big time publishing house support or contract or financial backing!

I decided to do it the usual #selfmade #girlboss #spaitgirl way off my own back thanks to my inner spirit, the universe and the power that comes from behind knowing I have a tribe of Spa it Girl’s and Boys globally that have my back!

I am a true believer that if you want to make something happen you have to make it happen yourself an you have to strike when the Universe calls for it!!!  That know one knows your true potential better than you and if you sometimes wait for others to see the potential in you! You could be waiting a life time and miss out on living your own dreams! So Simply Back Yourself and Go For it – Live Your Own Dreams!

In Mid August you will officially be able to buy a copy of my brand new book:

It Starts With Me by Yvette Le Blowitz – it will be available to buy ON-LINE – WORLDWIDE through Amazon.com and Barnes & Nobles – $19.99 AUS, $14.99 USA (as a guide).

If you live in the US and don’t see my book in your Book Store, besure to ask them for it, the more people asking for it – the better!!  the world needs it!

I can’t wait for you to read: IT STARTS WITH ME by Yvette Le Blowitz and for you to leave a review on Amazon.com too!!! the more reviews the better!!! as that will also help someone who has never heard of me before make a decision if they should read it or not – so your review, thoughts and feelings do matter.

If my book: It Starts with Me makes you feel good then I would love for you to share it with your family, friends or anyone that you think could benefit as I wrote it to help others feel good within.  I felt that if the the things I did in my day to day life could help change the way I felt then it could help others too! I always like to give more than I get so my book is really another extension of that!!!

It’s like taking #SPAITGIRL off line and on to paper!! and instead of holding your mobile phone – Guess What – You are Going to Be Holding My BOOK!!!

You Are Now Officially Invited to Join My #SPAITGIRL #BOOKLAUNCH Social Media Party!!!

You can join by taking photos of your It Start’s with Me by Yvette Le Blowitz book when it arrives at your home and using the hashtag’s #spaitgirl #yvetteleblowitz #iamaspaitgirl #itstartswithme #booklaunch #books #health #wellness #selflove #spa (or any other hashtag you wish) and posting in on your instagram account or sharing it anywhere across your social media channels, magazine or blog site.

I’ve been on-line blogging for over 8+ years but only every been know as Spa it Girl. I am now switching from Blogger to Author! and for me this of course is a big life change!!! but I am sure I will get use to it – you can now follow my newly created Authors Instagram Page: @YvetteLeBlowitz  it’s the first time in my life I will be know for being as a Author.

On That Note!!! It’s now your chance to: WIN a signed copy of my first book: It Starts With Me by Yvette Le Blowitz to enter all you need to do is sign up to my Spa it Girl Newsletter *click here to enter and GOOD LUCK.  Winner Announced 30th of August.

I truly hope when you read: It Starts With Me by Yvette Le Blowitz – that it inspires you to become your Happiest, Healthiest Self and to Live Your Own Dreams. 

Thanks for being part of the Spa it Girl Book Launch Global Party!! I seriously couldn’t do this without YOU.

Thanks for always having my Back! and for being part of our amazing Spa it Girl – Global Community and Self Love Movement.

Love From Australia 
Yvette xoxo