Day 1: of my Spa it girl Coffee Detox – I made it through whole day not drinking coffee. It was hard considering I love my Morning Coffee and yes sometimes mid morning and afternoon.  I have become so addicted to one of my Amazing Friends {aka The Coffee Lady} Barista Coffee as it is made with passion and love and tastes sooo good and everyone that works in her coffee shop – coffee’s rock also.

I had the worst headaches ever since cutting out my daily coffee and I felt very lethargic on day 1 of my coffee detox.  I went and laid on the beach in the sun and got a dose of Vitamin D and instead of drinking a coffee I drank lots of Thank You Water so that made me feel good as by choosing to drink Thank You water you are helping to provide fresh drinking water to those in need.  I also got to drink amazing Green and Fruit Smoothies and I went through a whole day without any external pick me up sources.

When I woke up today I felt like I had a much better sleep [caffeine free] however I still do have some very nasty headaches. By habit the first thing I wanted to do this morning was turn my coffee machine on and make myself an organic coffee. I had to stop, pause and take a big deep breathe and grab myself a full glass of water instead of my morning coffee.  Breaking a habit isn’t easy but it can be done when you focus on your breathing.

To get my energy flowing instead of having a coffee I did light yoga stretching. I will soon be doing my Morning Yoga practice as I think it gets everything going in the Morning – Body, Mind, Spirit – it’s a great wake up workout and after yoga practice, I will be heading off to the gym to do some weights.  I was never a huge fan of weights but it is great for building strength so today is a Strengthen day for me building strengthen within.

If you feel like you haven’t been as focussed when it comes to your personal health and wellness, all you need to do is take some time out to sit down and re-set your intentions write down what your goals are for this week and work towards them keep it simple if your life is crazy busy.  Your goals might be as simple as take a healthy homemade lunch and snacks to work, walk the dog before work you set the rules when it comes to living your healthy inspiring active life.

You can do it – Be Active, Nourish Yourself, Believe in Yourself and Feel Great Inside and Out.

I hope you all have the most Beautiful Day.

Spa it girl xoxo