CALM – an app we all need to download

I wanted to share with you one of my favourite #SPAITGIRL mindful meditation apps:  it’s a free app that you can download for your mobile phone.

When you open up the Calm app it will instantly make you feel good especially when you watch the beautiful video’s of mountain lakes, sunsets and tropical beaches along with listening to the sounds of mother nature from trickling water, to waves of the oceans, crickets and the rain falling.

I love how you get to choose the background video, sound, and either a 2-, 10- or 20-minute meditation or a 7 day to Calm program and how you a guided through your mindfulness meditation with the most soothing beautiful calming voice.

Practicing Mindfulness Meditation helps you to feel more connected to your  body, feelings, emotions, thoughts and intuition. It also helps you to feel less stressed by fears and worries, and enjoying being in the here and now more.  If you are wondering how to meditation it’s made simple through the calm app but as a guide all you really need to do is inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth or find away to breathe in and out that feels best for you.

The mindfulness meditation journey is all about slowing down, connecting to your breath and becoming fully present it’s a time that you devote to your inner self, health and wellbeing a practice that can help you feel free of constant worries, stress and an over active thinking mind.  If you want to feel at ease and calm within then try using this Calm app – you will see what I mean.

Spa it girl xoxo