4 Inspiring Ted Talks that will Change Your Career

image credit: Harpers Bazzar

Are you stuck in a Career Rut? Do you wake up and dread the thought of having to go to work? Are you unsure if you should quit your job or not? are you without a job and struggling to find a new one?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then you will love how Spa it girl has rounded up 4 of the most Inspiring Ted Talks that has the power to Change Your Career plus so much more:

1. Angela Lee Duckworth: GRIT The Power to Passion and Perseverance job hunting but not getting anywhere this is a must watch.


2. Sarah Lewis: Embrace the Near Win can’t seem to nail a job and it’s frustrating you then this Ted Talk is for you.


3. Ruth Chang: How to Make Hard Choices To quit, or not to quit Ruth Chang breaks it down to help.



4. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are Have you got an interview coming up and want to be your best, then get ready to listen up and take notes.